
Fill helps you source & sign the best recruiters and consultants for your specific needs when you need them - always free of charge.

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Top recruiters know top talent. With hundreds of the best Scandinavian recruiters connected to our platform, we provide the best solution for your specific hiring needs. Our customers use Fill to take the hassle out of finding, vetting, comparing, and negotiating with recruiters and get ready to meet top candidates and consultants. All in one place. It’s a jungle out there, but Fill is here to help!

Key features

By posting your hiring need through Fill’s intelligent platform, you get access to our marketplace of quality recruiters, independent consultants, and gig platforms. Your request is analyzed and matched with available hiring partners and their live quotations are visible and easily comparable through an intuitive interface. Meet and get started with selected partners directly on the platform. Fill does not only take away the painful tasks of dealing with recruiters, but we also help many of our customers lower their recruitment costs.


Recruitment: Find and work with recruiters with the best network and track record for each specific role and hiring need.
Interim: Find consultants for your temporary staffing need through our large network of recruiters, consultancies, and gig platforms.
Second Opinion: Instant access to Lic. psychologists who conduct second opinions providing you with detailed reports and insight on key candidates and personnel – all digital

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